Cat Rescues
Lost Parrot: FOUND! (Northeast Minneapolis)

This is Cricket
. Lost Parrot: FOUND! (Northeast Minneapolis) Date: 2010-05-20, 2:36PM CDT
To all that emailed me with suggestions, offers to help, words of encouragement & kindess, my Jardine's Parrot, Cricket, is HOME, safe and sound! It was a LOOOONG ordeal, but thanks to Eric Raven at Renaissance Tree Care, she is back with her flock. Many thanks to Eric, and all CL'ers that thought of us. Please call Eric if you have any tree care needs...or parrots or cats that are tree-bound!
To all that emailed me with suggestions, offers to help, words of encouragement & kindess, my Jardine's Parrot, Cricket, is HOME, safe and sound! It was a LOOOONG ordeal, but thanks to Eric Raven at Renaissance Tree Care, she is back with her flock. Many thanks to Eric, and all CL'ers that thought of us. Please call Eric if you have any tree care needs...or parrots or cats that are tree-bound!
The following is excerpted from Westgate Pet Clinic's Wags and Whisker's bulletin:
Eric to the Rescue
Westgate Client Mr. Armitage wasn't certain what he was going to do when he returned home from work about 1 month ago and saw Bitty about 30-40 ft up a tree on a hill in the back. Fire Departments and Police don’t routinely provide this kind of help anymore.
The Animal Humane people gave him the name of a tree trimmer they said might assist. His name is Eric Raven, Renaissance Tree Care 612-788-4274 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 612-788-4274 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 612-788-4274 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Believe me, this is the person to get your cat out of a tree! Mr. Armitage suggested that perhaps it is worth posting this information on a bulletin board at the clinic, and giving this truly good Samaritan a little public recognition and thanks from the entire Westgate community.
Mr. Armitage lives on near Cedar Lake in Minneapolis. Itty Bitty, commonly known as Bitless, is a 3 year old male neutered with no front claws. And yes very happy to be back home.